News / APEX-CSPS Mentoring Circles

APEX-CSPS Mentoring Circles

Sharing Lived Experiences and Supporting New Executives

Are you a senior leader and APEX Member who would like to lead a two-hour virtual Mentoring Circle running mid-January to the end of February 2024? We seek experienced executives, such as yourself, to share your experiences in moderated small group sessions starting January 30. Registration is now closed.

A topic will be selected for each date, but you need not be an expert in the topic of discussion. A great mentor and successful session require only sharing your experiences and encouraging discussion within the small group. Your presence is the catalyst to create a sense of support and community.

The Positive Impact of Your Mentorship

Previous sessions were incredibly positive with newly inducted executives giving an average nine out of 10 ranking for their use and in helping them feel supported by the broader executive community.



  • Mentoring Circles are moderated small group discussions of three to four EX01 and EX02s from across the federal public service (confirmed in 2023).
  • We are seeking seasoned senior leaders at the EX3 to EX5 levels to mentor and facilitate the conversation within a small virtual circle.
  • APEX and the CSPS will support the mentors prior to and during the session.
  • Multiple mentors will be required for each session to meet the expected demand.
  • Although many new executives will join each session, they will be distributed into smaller virtual rooms with their assigned mentor for the duration of the session.


Each session below has a dedicated topic and time. You can select one or more of the following:

  • Setting Boundaries – January 30, 2024, 14:00 to 16:00 (ET)
  • Dealing With Conflict (e.g., diverse personalities and generations in the workplace) – February 1, 2024, 14:00 to 16:00 (ET)
  • Building Resilience – February 7, 2024, 11:30 to 13:30 (ET)
  • Asking for and Receiving Meaningful Feedback from Superiors – February 8, 2024, 14:00 to 16:00 (ET)
  • Building Psychological Safety and Trust – February 13, 2024, 11:30 to 13:30 (ET)


We seek a commitment of at least one two-hour virtual session. There is an optional one-hour for a dry-run in the weeks prior to the session.

Previous mentors tell us that they gained as much from the session as the mentees themselves. Aside from creating space for a group of continuous learners, you will gain insight of the lived experiences and realities of new executives.

“…I am always happy to engage fellow colleagues and enjoyed the rich experience. You and the team have been outstanding to work with. This is all a credit to the excellent set-up. It was awesome!”

– 2021 Mentor

“…I have to admit, I had low expectations of the activity, didn’t really fathom how it would work… but it was *great*, not just good, really great. I met several interesting people and hearing their stories as executives gave me better insight into my situation and myself, and showed me the diversity in management…”

–  2021 Participant

For further information, please email us at