Think outside the box : Top tax issues to consider in retirement planning

Date: March 21, 2024
Type: Online

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Think outside the box: Top tax issues to consider in retirement planning

APEX Partnership Event – this event is being offered to APEX Executives in partnership with our corporate partners.

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Our partner, the Caisse Desjardins de l’Administration et des Services publics, in partnership with the team from Valeurs mobilières Garon, Fluet, Bissonnette and Rodrigue Securities, is offering you a free conference retirement planning, as well as tax tips for lump-sum payments. They are calling on tax expert Mr. Dominique Renaud.

Logo - Desjardins, Caisse de l'Administration et des Services publics

This event is offered in partnership with Caisse Desjardins de l’Administration et des Services publics.

Event Details

Date & Time: March 21 2024, 13:00 to 14:00 EDT

Audience: All Public Service executives across Canada and internationally are invited to attend APEX’s learning events

Cost: Free

Language: This event will be in bilingual format where the speaker will alternate between French and English. The presentation will be made available in both languages.

Platform: Participants are welcome to attend this virtual event via webinar . A meeting link will be sent once you are registered on the Desjardins website.