Questions and Answers: Economic Increase and Retroactive Pay for Retired Executives

Questions and Answers: Economic Increase and Retroactive Pay for Retired Executives


This document was developed by APEX for information purposes only and does not constitute an authoritative document. It is important to always verify with Government of Canada sources before making a decision. In situations where there is a difference between the information contained in it and the official information available from Government of Canada sources, the latter will take precedence.

 Updated on: December 19, 2019

When will the salary revisions and retroactive payments be completed?

For departments served by the Miramichi Pay Centre, salary revisions will be
prioritized as follows:

  • Group 1:
    • substantive EXs who were active on or after April 1, 2018
    • non-executives who acted in executive positions on or after April 1, 2018
  • Group 2:
    • substantive EXs who were active between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2018 and who were inactive (retired, resigned, terminated, deceased) as of April 1, 2018
    • non-executives who acted in executive positions between April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2018 and who were no longer acting executives on or after April 1, 2018

Executives who were active on April 1, 2018 and did not work the minimum required time to be eligible for performance pay (3-consecutive months) will be processed as part of Group 2.

Salary revisions and retroactive payments for Group 1 will be completed by September 30, 2019. Salary revisions and retroactive payments for Group 2 may not be completed in 2019.

Departments not served by the Miramichi Pay Centre and who have their own Compensation Advisors can begin completing their salary revisions according to their own internal time


To reduce the risk of operational disruption, is the Pay Centre dedicating a team of Compensation Advisors to undertake this work?

The Pay Centre has confirmed that the existing team of Compensation Advisors dedicated to executive pay files has been increased significantly to handle the additional volume of work.


If an executive retired during the period covered by the retroactive period and was paid their accumulated severance pay, will the value of this payment received be adjusted?

Executives who cashed out some or all of their accumulated severance pay severance pay during the retroactive period, will see the amount paid adjusted to reflect the new rates of pay.


I retired as an executive during the retroactive period and no longer have access to PSPC’s Compensation Web Applications to track the status of monies owing to me.

Retired executives with questions regarding their pay account should contact the PSPC Client Contact Centre:

    • In Canada or the United States: 1-855-686-4729
    • Outside Canada and the United States: 1-506-424-4330

Hours of operation: Monday to Friday (excluding statutory holidays), 7 am to 7 pm eastern time.


As a retired executive, when can I expect to see my pension adjusted to reflect the increases to EX rates of pay and performance pay I received during the retroactive period?

Your pay file will be updated to reflect any retroactive adjustments to your base pay or performance pay and then it will be transferred to the Pension Centre, where your pension benefit will be adjusted on the basis of the changes. This process may take up to several months from start to finish. If you have any questions regarding your pension, executives can contact the Pension Centre at: 1-888-742-1300.


When will we know what is happening with EX rates of pay from April 1, 2018 going forward?

When the Government makes a decision regarding further wage increases, APEX will share the information with all executives.


I am a retired executive, so I am identified as being part of Group 2. How will I be able to track the status of the processing of retroactive payments?

As information is available, APEX will publish updates on the processing of retroactive payments for Groups 1 and 2.


I heard that the implementation of collective agreements from the last round of bargaining was completed in winter 2018-19, so I am wondering why it has taken so long to initiate action on the implementation of the new executive rates of pay?

The announcement of new EX Group rates of pay occurred at the time that PSPC was implementing salary structure changes for non-EX groups and as department’s were finalizing the 2017-18 performance management cycle. A decision was made to proceed with the processing of the 2017-18 performance payments, which had to compete with the ongoing implementation of new collectively bargained salaries, the annual tax year end pay system freeze and the production of tax slips for tax year 2018.


Retired executives receive their pension payment once per month whereas active executives are paid every two weeks. Will retirees receive any money owing on a pay day or will it be paid on the day that they usually receive their pension payment?

Salary and pension payments follow different processing schedules. When your salary history is revised and it is determined that you are owed a retroactive payment, payment will occur on the basis of the payroll production schedule.


I am a retired executive and I expect to receive a retroactive payment once the new EX rates of pay are implemented and my pay file is reviewed. Will the retroactive payment be added to my final year of income as an executive or applied to the year in which I earned it for the purpose of improving the value of my final five consecutive year of highest earnings?

Any monies owed to you on a retroactive basis will be attributed to the year when it was earned and this will be reflected in the value of your income for the purpose of re-calculating your pension benefit for that year.