Salary maintenance is provided when:
- The salary of an executive who is declared surplus under the Directive on Terms and Conditions of Employment for Executives and appointed to a lower-level position exceeds the salary maximum of this lower-level position; or
- The salary of a non-executive employee exceeds the salary maximum of the executive position to which he or she is appointed.
Scenario 1:
If you were an eligible executive (EX or DS-07A, 07B or 08) appointed to a lower-level executive position between April 1, 2018 and March 31, 2022, your salary will be revised for the time worked in the former higher level executive position. Your “new” salary will be maintained until it falls within the salary range of the lower-level position.
If your maintained salary still exceeds the revised maximum of the lower-level executive position, you will receive the amount of the revision to the salary maximum of the lower-level position for the period covered by the revisions. Successive revisions are not compounded.
Scenario 2:
If you were an eligible executive (EX or DS-07A, 07B or 08) appointed to a lower-level position that is not within the executive cadre between April 1, 2018 and March 31, 2022, your salary will be revised for the time worked in an executive position during the retroactive period. Your “new” salary will be maintained until it falls within the salary range of the non-executive position. You are not eligible for these revisions for any period after the effective date of your appointment to the non-executive position.
Scenario 3:
If you were a non-executive employee appointed to an eligible executive position (EX or DS-07A, 07B or 08) between April 1, 2018 and March 31, 2022, and your maintained salary exceeds the revised maximum of the executive position, you will receive the amount of the revision to the salary maximum of the executive position for the time worked in that position during the period covered by the revisions. Successive revisions are not compounded.