PSES Results Analysis
The 2022 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) results were published on May 31, 2023. Overall, results for the EX group are slightly more negative than those of the 2020 PSES, and the percentage of neutral responses has increased. The PSES was in the field from November 2022 to February 2023. It is during that period that the mandatory 2-to-3-day return to the office was announced, and it likely had an impact on some of the results.
We know, from the 2021 APEX Executive Work and Health Study (EWHS) which markedly showed a burnout rate of 75% among executives, that the downward trend on individual and organizational health continues. And in this, we are far from the only ones. The United Kingdom uses the Civil Service People Survey to analyse the wellbeing of civil servants across government departments. An analysis of their survey results suggests that no organisations have seen their wellbeing results recover to pre-pandemic levels, and that in fact each is showing a rise in levels of anxiety, compared to 2019 results.
Here are a some of the key findings[1] of the 2022 PSES for EXs. Comparisons are with the 2020 PSES results, unless otherwise specified.