Trusted AI for a Trusted Public Service (in-person in Ottawa)

Date: July 10, 2024
Type: In-person in Ottawa

Register on KPMG Event page

Trusted AI for a Trusted Public Service

Join us for “Trusted AI,” an exclusive learning event by KPMG, in partnership with APEX, focused on navigating the dynamic landscape of artificial intelligence with confidence and integrity. Delve into the foundational concepts of Generative AI and understand its significance, particularly in the Federal Public Service, through insightful discussions on Generative AI maturity and real-world use cases.

Experience the power of Gen AI firsthand with live demonstrations featuring cutting-edge technologies like Kleo, Microsoft Copilot Studio website bot, and AI video innovations. Gain invaluable insights into establishing Trusted AI governance with sessions dedicated to mitigating AI risks, understanding regulatory frameworks, and implementing the acclaimed KPMG Trusted AI framework along with robust AI monitoring solutions.

Don’t miss this learning opportunity to shape the future of AI responsibly and unlock its full potential for your organization!

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Angela Cummings at KPMG.

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This event is offered in partnership with KPMG.

Event Details

Date & Time: July 10 2024, 17:00 to 19:30 EDT

Location: KPMG Conference Rooms, 150 Elgin Street, Suite 1800, Ottawa, ON

Audience: All Public Service executives across Canada and internationally are invited to attend APEX’s learning events

Cost: Free


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